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    SOCHE events are the result of ideation and collaboration among our councils and committees, as well as regional partners who contribute to the dialog on student success.

    Youth Mental Health First Aid

    Veterans Workshop

    On Demand Training

    Live Webinars

    View All Events

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    Find helpful resources designed to help you chart your course toward college admission.

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    An online guide to all the majors offered by all SOCHE member institutions.

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    Looking for interns? Looking for an internship? Your search starts here.

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    Transfer your credits easily between our member institutions.

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    Volunteer with impactful organizations that benefit the communities of Southwestern Ohio.

    Main SOCHE Office

    • 3155 Research Blvd., Suite 204 Dayton, OH 45420-4015
    • (937)258-8890

    • (937) 258-8899

    • soche@soche.org